Broadway Theatre Usher Tests Positive For Coronavirus

A Broadway usher who has worked with two separate Broadway shows has tested positive for COVID-19.

The usher helped theater attendees to their seats and managed outdoor lines at recent previews of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? at the Booth Theatre from March 3 to March 7 and Six at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre from February 25 and March 1. According to Playbill, the individual has been quarantined, and the current medical condition is not clear.

The Broadway League said in a statement, "the safety and security of our theatregoers and employees is our highest priority. We are following the lead of our city, state, and federal elected officials as we implement strategies recommended by public health authorities and the Center for Disease Control in all of our theatres and offices as all productions continue to play as scheduled." In response to the outbreak, the league has provided sanitizer dispenses in the lobbies of every Broadway theatre, and is "highly recommending" that all pre- and post-show stage door activities be put on hold."

Announced yesterday, tickets to all performances of To Kill a Mockingbird,West Side Story,The Lehman Trilogy, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, and The Book of Mormon from March 12th through March 29th will be offered for $50.

Photo: Getty

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